invitation to join the Fearless Femmes community and course

High-achieving artsy weirdos join Fearless Femmes when they’re ready to design their transition out of the corporate world, and lock in a 6 figure income in their first year of business working for themselves—typically resulting in a lucrative consultancy, coaching practice, or “intrapreneurship” that grants them the freedom they crave.

Here’s what we’ll work on together:

  1. I help you take stock of the points of highest leverage in your life: starting with your body and environment. Everyone carries some degree of burnout from the stressors of corporate life, and this society that would have believe that we owe it our energy; caring for “the vessel” is what will unlock your natural creative rhythm again, allowing you to wake up every morning inspired to DO STUFF.

  2. I give you my detailed protocol for productizing the “soft skills” that you know are so incredibly valuable to the world. We’ll outline a reliable, repeatable process for getting customers or clients results that are worth hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars—using the wisdom and experience you already have.

  3. I give you my detailed protocol for transforming your creative energy into a marketing pipeline. Your commitment to THINK IN PUBLIC (mostly through writing, though video and visual content are tools at our disposal to play with) will turn your existing knowledge and wisdom into REAL CREDIBILITY in the eyes of people who need your gifts.

  4. I give you the business model spreadsheet template that we’ll customize together, to map out the actions that will result in predictable, sustainable revenue, without working more than 20 hours a week—including marketing, admin, and delivery.

To be a good candidate for these results, you need:

  • To be an experienced femme business leader who understands the fundamentals of building a product that satisfies customers (designers, engineers, product managers, ops leaders, and executives thrive in my programs).

  • Creative tendencies—maybe you were the weird artsy kid growing up, but left your creative spirit behind when you realized you could make lots of money playing the corporate game.

  • A woo-woo streak—building a creative business is a soulful endeavor that will challenge (and utilize!) deep aspects of your spirit. Hardcore logic and analysis got you this far, but where you’re headed? Shit can get metaphysical.

  • Readiness to invest in yourself—like any business that succeeds faster than average, time and money is required up front, as the initial act of betting on yourself; modeling the way others will bet on you for years to come.

  • An affinity for community—the more you participate in the Femmes sessions and WhatsApp thread, the more you’ll get out of our work together. You are who you spend the most time with; this program is a quick way to build in people you might want to BE.

What you DON’T need:

  • Clarity about what you want to sell as a coach or consultant. This will be an ongoing iterative process.

The Logistics:

  • Upon signup, you’ll gain access to the 11 self-paced modules that will guide you through the reflection on what you want, and the creation of the artifacts required to market and sell your first offerings.

  • Group sessions occur EVERY OTHER TUESDAY at 2pm Eastern Time.

  • You will have access to the group sessions for a period of either 6 or 12 months. I will see you all the way through to achieving the goals you set.

  • You will have monthly 1:1 calls with me, to accelerate your progress and break through any unique obstacles, for the duration of your program.

  • You will have lifetime access to the modules and the excellent, supportive community WhatsApp thread, full of high-achieving, wise and wild femmes.

In this program, we regularly achieve multiple 6-figures in coaching/consulting revenue in the first 12 months, working no more than 20 hours per week, devoting the rest of their time to their family, passions, art, or community.

That said, we’ve also seen Femmes choose to carve out a high-paying “intrapreneurship” within an organization, tailored to their interests and preferences; I’ve had several clients design nondemanding jobs to meet visa requirements while they launch their passion projects; and once, someone got offered a full-time role that met their incredibly precise criteria—unlike any corporate role we’d ever seen, turning our expectations upside-down.

The possibilities are limitless; your deepest desires for how you want your life to look is the only “job description” we abide.

The improvement in your sense of well-being, creative fulfillment, and time freedom to spend with your loved ones, side projects, and travel is the kind of intangible ROI motivating everyone I work with.

For an experienced business leader who believes in themselves, who’s ready to run at their vision for their life with all the support required to make it happen, this investment is a slam dunk.

I only work with five 1:1 clients at a time, to ensure my availability. Spots are extremely limited.

To apply for one of the slots, answer the questions provided in the booking link here.

You’re ready for this. I can’t wait to meet you. :)


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Becca Camp