Amanda is Fearless

Today I caught up with Amanda Stanley. Not too long ago Amanda came to me wanting a big change. She didn’t want a job that became her whole personality; she wanted to prioritize her joy, and peace. As Amanda described it, she was feeling ”undervalued, but fearful of being noticed”, she went on, “I felt so stuck”.

Flash forward to 2023 and Amanda is running her own, successful business. She is prioritizing herself as a whole individual, and doesn’t attribute her personal value in the world to her successes and failures at work. Amanda was able to take the skills she learned in Fearless Femmes and get a raise and promotion. Not just that, but when she was later laid off, Amanda was able to use those same skills to build her own business.

Amanda had some great takeaways. She thrived with the independent study of Fearless Femmes, and learned how to prioritize her self-care. Learning breath-work changed the way she manages anxiety and has become one of her superpowers. She got deep value and validation from the community, and still participates in conversations despite having completed the course.

Watch the video below to learn more about Amanda’s journey with Fearless Femmes, and what you can expect when you join our community.

Book a call with me below and let’s build your success story.

Becca Camp