I am a career anarchist

Career Anarchy: a philosophy of work that refuses to acknowledge coercive systems (such as zero-sum capitalism, human hierarchy, or one's worth being tied to one's job). 

A career anarchist looks inward to answer the question of "how shall I spend my time?" and then simply engineers a way to be paid money for that thing. 

A career anarchist simply *does not acknowledge* cultural belief systems such as "emotional labor should not/can not be worth money" or "you have to choose between money and fulfillment," and instead acts in accordance with their own value system. 

A career anarchist does not feel compelled to choose a career from a set menu of options (though they could, if they were to choose to). 

Career anarchy acknowledges that: money is neutral, people are inherently good, and the default state of human interaction is one of compassion, consent, and agency.

Career anarchists feel free to design a career bespoke to their desires, and change it anytime. Organizations are composed of people who enthusiastically consent to being there each day, because they have opted out of a belief system that involves any sort of sense of obligation or entitlement to their time. 

Career anarchy acknowledges that status quo coercive systems are oppressive to groups that have been targeted by hierarchical capitalist belief systems, and that freedom is not equally available to every individual. 

Career anarchists consider their freedom inextricably linked to that of others', and take seriously their role in fighting for equity and justice.

I am a career anarchist.

Becca Camp