do you worry you'll be exposed as a fraud?

Imposter syndrome amounts to FEAR: panic, worry, anxiety, whatever you want to call it--of being found out as incompetent, or a fraud. 


People react to FEAR in four ways:

  1. Fight!!! Anger and aggression bubble up. Vanquish the enemy!

  2. Flight!!! Run away as fast as you can!

  3. *Freeze* Like a deer in headlights.

  4. *Appease* Make them think they have power over you, so they'll be less likely to harm you.


Which happens for you, when you think about being exposed as an imposter?


How do you know? What does your body do? 


This physiological survival response is YOUR version of imposter syndrome. It is a system that has evolved for animals over millenia. Imposter syndrome is peak technology for survival.


Does that mean we're powerless against it?


Absolutely not. 


What would you tell a friend who came to you with the same fear you have?


If they were angry or wanted to run away, you might advise tactics like exercise or scream into a pillow to get it out in a safe way, or have a cup of hot tea and breathe deeply.



If they struggle with the *freeze* or being overly deferential to authority, you might suggest something in the opposite direction--take a cold shower to wake up! Or visualize a time when they were a total badass!


There is no one-size-fits-all technique to soothing fear--but if we understaned the science, we can come up with something that works for YOUR unique flavor of imposter syndrome.


What tactics have or haven't worked for you in the past? What should you try next?


I'm wired for "FLIGHT". For me, I put my phone in another room, and sit quietly, breathing calmly for 60 seconds. I love that one.


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Becca Camp