Part 1: What's Becca's Background?

I was a product leader in Silicon Valley for almost a decade. I struggled deeply with imposter syndrome, low confidence, and indecision about my career--which was extra painful, because in every other aspect of my life, I was vibrant, magnetic, creative, and focused. 

People have always been inclined to share their inner worlds with me. So it didn’t take long to realize how NOT ALONE I WAS in experiencing this pain. 

That superpower--realizing we are never alone--gave me the motivation and energy to discover what the hell is going on under the hood of all this career angst. My domain expertise in product leadership opened up into training in developmental psychology, human physiology, the sociology of social justice, and power dynamics—ultimately culminating in a program that tackles the root cause of most of our career suffering: our bodies; our minds; accountability; and the social context that surrounds us. 

Focusing on the root cause of these painful issues allowed me to efficiently become the leader I was meant to be. It’s not easy, but it is straightforward--and when we do this work in the context of community, it’s absolute magic. 

If there’s soul in your career, you don’t have another 10 years to figure this out. I made this program so you can shine brightly among all the people still trying to hack it on their own, and use your influence to make our work culture more supportive and equitable. 

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Becca Camp