Part 2: What Will We Talk About?

First, I want to hear more about your goals, and what you’ve been doing that hasn’t been working in service of them. I aim to be maximally helpful to you, both on the call and in the longer term.

We wouldn’t be getting on this call if you didn’t want to make a big change. For you, the old way has you playing small, stagnating your career, and making you question your confidence. 

If you’re like all the high-achieving women I work with, you’re at a threshold of leadership that requires a strategic overhaul--again, with very specific outcomes that we will define clearly (and de-mystify completely) on our call. 

I’m very optimistic about you in this program, because if you’ve made it this far, yours are a set of results I’ve helped dozens of women in product achieve. 

But I don’t accept just anyone into this community--only the people who:

  • ...are very motivated by a desire to have an impact on the world, beyond just their careers.

  • ...want to take big swings, do the deep work and get off the hamster wheel permanently.

  • ...are tired of band-aid solutions, and ready to tackle the root cause of their stagnation, even though it feels scary.

  • ...want to navigate the power dynamics in their life and career with authenticity and grace.

  • ...despite being exhausted or pressed for time, understand that sometimes you have to slow down to speed up, or make sacrifices in the short term to catapult you into medium- and long-term success. 

Before we get on the call: I want you to ask yourself, honestly: is this you? If not, Part 3 probably won’t be that interesting to you.

But if it is you, read on!


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Becca Camp